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How to book a stand

Dear exhibitors,

You can now book your stand using our new program! Here is your guide for…




As a re-exhibitor we already created an account for you. Your last stand is reserved for you until 15.08.2024. Go to „Buchung“ und generate a new password for your account by filling in your e-mail-adress and clicking „Passwort vergessen“. Afterwards you will recieve an e-mail where you can choose a new password. Then you can use this password to login on the same page and book your stand right there. You can find more detailed information right on this site, if you scroll down to „registered exhibitors“.


not yet registered exhibitors:

Please click on the following buttons one after the other: You go to the area „Für Aussteller“, „Mein Konto“:  Register yourself or your company here („Konto anlegen“).

Please enter the address. A second, different address for the website entry and magazine information can also be entered here (you can do this later!).

You will also find an overview of your reservations here.

Stand booking:  On „Für Aussteller“, „Buchung“. Chose the fair (NORDPFERD) and click the button „buchen“.


registered exhibitors:

Go to „Für Aussteller“, „Buchung“. Choose the fair you want to participate (right now NORDPFERD) and click „buchen“.

You can select a stand, either by stand number or download the hall plan, select and enter the stand number. After your selection, you automatically access the “Buchungsoptionen” area via “Standoptionen”. Here you can book accessories such as electricity, walls, carpeting, etc.. You will be guided automatically through the individual steps.

Please note: You can make changes or add positions yourself at any time – even after the booking has been completed!

At the bottom you will see an overview of your invoice amount without VAT.

When you're done making your selection, click „weiter“.


You will receive a reservation overview and can correct or add to your entries again.

Then please click "Reservierung absenden" and "diese Seite schließen". You now also have the option to view and/or print out your reservation at "Mein Konto" (My Account).


Afterwards you will receive a message from us as soon as possible.


Additional information: If a stand is not shown in the list, it has already been reserved by another exhibitor. There may be deviations from the hall plans here, as we only update them 1-2 times a day.

Your advantage: With the new system, you can view, check, change and reorder all your data and invoices at any time!

If you have any questions or need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us per e-mail ( or phone (+494881930140).


Best regards,

Your messe & Marketing-Team